Yesterday, our little Lyla Bee turned 8 months old! Where does the time go?

A bit about our 8 monther:
Between 7 and 8 months, Lyla has learned to clap her hands. She can occasionally do "So Big!" or wave, but usually when we do these things, she just ends up clapping her hands, too. Often she just does "So Big" on her own. Maybe she just likes having her arms over her head haha.
Our quiet baby has finally started babbling! Lots of "Goo-Gee's" and "goo goo goo's"... "Mm Baa's" and "Mm Wow's" if that counts.
Our 8 month old likes to scream!
Her stranger-anxiety seems to be easing up a LOT. She only cries when she sees a few people that she doesn't like, but she is slow to smile with some strangers. Everyone comments on how curious she is, and how she just loves to stare quietly and take in her surroundings. Some of said that she seems to be a very 'serious' baby, but I think she is just studious! She is really laid-back as well, and that has a lot to do with her quietness, too!
Our 7 month old didn't really mind if a toy was taken away from her, but our 8 month old does and can let a loud and very angry cry and get very red in the face if we take away something that she wants.
She has had NO eczema flare ups, although we continue to use the eczema lotion twice a day.
She has been introduced to formula in the past month, and she doesn't seem to mind it, except in her cereal. That is YUCK!
No crawling yet, but she is JUST starting to be able to hold herself up on all fours briefly! So maybe this next month!
She loves holding something over her face and pulling it off to see us! Peekaboo Lyla!!
She knows that something that is out of sight is actually still there, and cranes her neck to find something that has been moved out of view. It is so cute!
And our 8 month old has finally been able to experience the great outdoors! This is going to be a great month!
Yesterday we went to visit Gma and Gpa and Lyla's favorite kitties! Erik and my dad are building an arch for our backyard wedding, which is what Lyla is 'climbing' on in the pics!
Koala baby!
Lyla and Meeko