Someone told us that once their baby hit 10 months she started growing up FAST!
We've started doing a lot more table foods for Lyla... and she LOVES them! So far she really likes peaches, avocados and mangoes! Bread is icky.
No crawling yet but she does a lot of turning and moving around on her butt. People keep telling us that a lot of babies don't crawl before learning to walk, but I'm still jealous of all the mobile babies! Although, once she gets moving, I'm sure I'll wish she would just sit still! She can stay on her hands and knees if we put her there, and moves from butt to belly but then rolls right away. She is a rolling machine, so she is mobile that way.
She is a pro at holding her own bottle, and can now wave like crazy! She used to wave now and then but now she seems to really know what waving means. She loves standing up and is starting to pull herself up, though still has a hard time.. she tries so hard though it's so cute! She likes to try and climb around on us.. She now reaches and grabs at my arms for me to pick her up, i love it
Lyla is down to one nap a day, for the most part, unless we are in the car in the evening, then she will nap again... She is going to bed at around 9:30-10 and sleeping all the way until 10! It is soo nice! There was a long spell where she started getting up at night again to eat, so it is a big relief that she kicked that habit.
Some pics... Lyla turned 10 months on the same day that Erik's sister got married!