Anyway, so Lyla turned ONE on Thursday, August 25. Here's what we did on Lyla's first ever bday!
In the morning, Lyla played with her new toy, a Leap Frog Musical Table! She loves it!
We spent the rest of the day outside. First, we went to the zoo, and had a really good time, even though zoos are kind of depressing.... Lyla pointed at lots of animals and categorized most of them as either a dog by sign language or a cat by saying "Boo." She calls cats "boo" because my parents' have a cat nicknamed Boo Boo. Komodo dragon was a "Boo."
After the zoo visit, Lyla took a nice 2 hour nap, and then we went fishing for about 20 minutes. Erik and I each caught one. Lyla helped me from her spot in the Ergo. Erik hasn't had much time for fishing this summer, and he had the day off, so we went more for him than for Lyla, although she is happy wherever there is water!
We grilled outside on the patio for dinner...
And then it was cupcake time!! Lyla wasn't too sure about the cupcakes at first. She mostly just smashed hers and smeared frosting on her face. At first she wouldn't even touch it! She would put her hand close and then pull it away!

But she ate a little!

I can't believe how fast this year has flown by and how much Lyla has changed! It seems just like it was yesterday that all she did was sleep, and I cradled her in my arms all day long. And now she is moving, moving, moving!!!
This past month has been a huge one for Lyla! She started crawling AND walking! She gets into everything and really makes a mess of our place sometimes but that's okay.. Lyla started playing peekaboo with her own hands, which is really cute. She has learned to stack and take apart bowls! She understands that she can't eat trash or specks off the ground and now picks them up and gives them to me right away... She likes to "feed" us with her spoon and put toys in our mouths or give them to us! It is pretty cute :)! She has also gotten really snuggly and her stuffed animals have been getting lots of love and hugs lately! Adorable! And she's always saying "dada" and "mama"! Anyway that's a quick update on Lyla's happenings.....
And here are her 12 month stats:
Height: 29 inches (42nd percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs 2 oz (55th percentile)
Head Circ: 17.75in (54th percentile)
A big change from last month where she was in the 18th percentile for height and 65th for head circumference!
What an amazing year, we are so blessed to have such a beautiful and healthy baby girl! We have learned so much and had so many adventures together, and I can only imagine what is in store for us this coming year!
Happy Birthday Lyla, Mama and Dada love you soooo much!
Now onto the toddler years!