Saturday we had a bridal shower at 2 pm, hosted by my amazing Matron of Honor, Brittany. We have a small family so it was some relatives, a couple family friends, and a couple friends from college. We played some games, had some deliiicccious snacky foods and opened presents, of course. Got some awesome stuff.... a BUNCH of kitchen stuff, utensils and pans and the like, a couple things from our Honeyfund... and my parents got us a jogging stroller!!! It's a Joovy Zoom or something and it is really cool... our only problem is that it has a fixed front wheel. We've taken it on a couple test runs, and it's pretty easy to make minor turns but any sharp turn you have to pick up the front wheel! We are still deciding if we love it and want to keep it. Everything else about it, I love! We'll see.
After the shower, we took off for Chicago... Actually we forgot Lyla's monkey pacifier at home so we had to go back and get it, which was half hour out of the way, and Lyla fell asleep instantly for 45 minutes... so she only slept 15 minutes into our actual drive to Chicago. But she was content as can be the whole time (can't say the same for the way back...eehhh). Erik's parents picked up Lyla near Chicago and brought her home with them to Gurnee while we went to the city to see Erik's friend's band play and to celebrate another friend's birthday! It was really, really fun to get out for a night and their band was really good!
We woke up at around 8 Sunday morning and went to visit Erik's mormor (Grandma) in a nursing home. She has dementia, which has been really sad and hard on the family. But she seemed quite happy while we were there and she smiled at Lyla and said she was cute, which made Erik SO happy. Erik's mom was able to get some good pictures of Lyla with her and Erik's morfar (Grandpa), too. I was glad to be able to be there, I only wish I had gotten to meet her before.
Afterwards we went to Erik's morfar's house and Lyla napped for 2 hours. When she woke up we went straight to Erik's sister and fiance's new apartment, which is really nice! They made lunch for a bunch of Erik's family... lasagna.. really good! You can tell that they really put a lot of thought into how they wanted their place to look... unlike our place which is filled with whatever we could find to put in it and a bunch of baby stuff everywhere haha. Someday we will have a neat and organized home...someday. ;)
Then it was about an hour back to Erik's parent's house. On Monday, Erik had a doctor's appointment at 10:30, and then we drove a half hour to have lunch at Big Bowl where Erik's mom works, and then we had to drive another hour to Erik's dentist appointment! Luckily both of these places were on our way home so we hoped it would take us less time to get home, but somehow it still took us 3 hours to finally get home. Lyla slept for awhile and then woke up SO sad.. crying and screaming, which is so unlike her! We stopped at a McDonald's and fed her and then she cheered up for awhile, but was hard to please for the last stretch of our trip. There was a ton of construction so it seemed like we were never going to get home. We were ALL so happy to finally get out of the car.
Anyway. Pictures to come! My camera cord is being temperamental so it takes forever for me to upload pics!!
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