Wednesday, July 27, 2011

picture post

isn't she the cutest??

hopefully i'll have a picture of her pointing next... she is a pointing machine! mostly pointing at where she wants to walk to next...

Monday, July 25, 2011

one month to toddler-dom

Our baby turned 11 months old today!

It has been a pretty big month for our Lyla Bee... we thought she was on the verge of crawling, but she decided that it was time to start cruising instead. She absolutely loves taking steps and is always trying to get down from our arms to walk around... I wonder when she will start walking without our hands or a couch for support. Looking at her it seems so strange, she looks too small to be trying to walk still! She can also stand on her own for short periods at a time.. very short.. like maybe the longest has been 20 seconds, but mostly it's like 10 seconds probably. We were so shocked the first time because she was very clearly trying to balance herself and stood for quite a few seconds and we just couldn't believe it!

She maybe started cruising a week ago and has already gotten so much faster, it is amazing!

I've read very contrary opinions on babies who skip crawling, some say it isn't an important developmental milestone at all, while others say it is very important, especially for a baby's vision. Actually I had a yoga instructor tell me once that a baby who skips crawling should be encouraged to crawl a lot during playtime. So we'll do that I guess, just to be safe. Who knows, she may still crawl before she walks on her own, we'll see!

Some of my favorite things that Lyla does... she has a hilarious fake cough that she does whenever someone else coughs.. she has been doing this for awhile now, but I don't think I've ever said something about it before... It's so funny, she's like "look at me, i'm a poor coughing baby!" She also buries her face in our chests and clutches onto us whenever anyone gets close or tries to hold her, and looks like she is trying to hide! This started maybe about a month ago I think.. She sometimes sticks out her teeth on the bottom and looks so goofy! She has so many silly faces! And of course, the babbling! Mostly "Da da da da da" but a lot of "ma ma ma" and "ra ra ra" .. lots of other sounds, and some mixes of sounds too! It's so fun to hear her talking and expressing herself! I bet Dada will be her first world... definitely a daddy's girl.... She also started signing the sign for Dog this month! Whenever she sees a dog she does the sign, and sometimes when she sees a cat too... that's ok, i think the sign for cat is kind of hard haha.

Today, I was actually feeling a bit sick for the first bit of the morning... The one good thing about this was that I got the afternoon off of work! Lyla and I went down to see my parents.. They live right by where Erik works so we walked down to see him and surprise him!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

our water baby

summer has been busy because whenever we have a spare weekend, we rush off to erik's cottage! here we live about 15 minute from the beaches of lake mi, but at his cottage, it's about a 5 minute walk up a hill (a big hill, unfortunately). so we spend lots and lots of time at the beach! it's been very hot lately, so we usually go down after lyla's nap when the sun isn't so strong on her, and sit her on a towel under an umbrella where she can play with (and sometimes eat) the sand, which she loves, although she was a bit freaked out by it at first, i mean there is so much of it! (by the way, someone came into the market the other day wondering where they could find a 'sandy' beach.... i looked at her, confused.... well, they are all sandy.....)

lyla also has a shady little baby pool that she can sit in on the beach and she looves it! she used to be kind of afraid of the lake, but now we can put her in on her belly (holding her of course) and she flaps her arms and kicks her legs like she's swimming!!! it's so cute! especially because she kicks her legs out at the same time, like a little froggy! i rarely take a camera to the beach but i'll try to get a video sometime!

in her baby pool!

sharing with her cousin abby