summer has been busy because whenever we have a spare weekend, we rush off to erik's cottage! here we live about 15 minute from the beaches of lake mi, but at his cottage, it's about a 5 minute walk up a hill (a big hill, unfortunately). so we spend lots and lots of time at the beach! it's been very hot lately, so we usually go down after lyla's nap when the sun isn't so strong on her, and sit her on a towel under an umbrella where she can play with (and sometimes eat) the sand, which she loves, although she was a bit freaked out by it at first, i mean there is so much of it! (by the way, someone came into the market the other day wondering where they could find a 'sandy' beach.... i looked at her, confused.... well, they are all sandy.....)
lyla also has a shady little baby pool that she can sit in on the beach and she looves it! she used to be kind of afraid of the lake, but now we can put her in on her belly (holding her of course) and she flaps her arms and kicks her legs like she's swimming!!! it's so cute! especially because she kicks her legs out at the same time, like a little froggy! i rarely take a camera to the beach but i'll try to get a video sometime!
in her baby pool!

sharing with her cousin abby

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