One big difference with passing the 1 year mark... Lyla is talking up a storm! A lot of gibberish and babbles, but she tries to say a LOT of words! Almost every day she tries to imitate a new word that we say. We are making a list of all her words. So here is the list at 14 months:
Can Say:
Mama, Dada, Chair, Up, Hat, Boo (cat)
Almost Say or Trying!:
yellow, blue, spoon, bye bye, Lyla, ouch, doggy, elevator (she is in looove with the elevator!), fish, niƱo, baby, paper, jacket, mono, shoe, banana (nana!)
And there are probably more, but I can't wait to see what the list is at 15 months! It seems like the shift to trying words was really rapid and she is just sponging words up!
Weird to think we'll be conversing all the time with real words soon..... eek! Can't wait to hear some of the things she'll say :)!

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