Wednesday, December 21, 2011

new blog name

Wow 2 blog posts in 1 week! Who am I?!?

Well truth is, Erik is now working full time and he has to get up at like 5 so he goes to bed super early.. meaning, no late night Call of Duty playing.. hahaha

Honestly it has helped a lot with my productivity (obviously) though it's boring be awake by myself, and I have been going to bed before midnight :O! Again... who am I?!?!

So I hope to start keeping everyone updated on Lyla's Happenings.

BUT I have been contemplating a new blog name, something more general, you know, in case of more children (not pregnant). I tried 'scandinasians' (Lyla, and all our kids, will be of Korean, Swedish and Norwegian descent) but it was already taken by some drunk Koreans studying abroad in Sweden or something really lame like that. Psh!!!!!!!! I hate that once a blog name is used, it is dead to the rest of the world, even if the person who had it originally deletes their blog! How does that make any sense?!?!?!??! It doesn't! I want Scandinasians.

weescandinasians.... pretty long. we'll see..

1 comment:

  1. What about know cause you are all americans too!

    just a thought--like the last blog post :) Your great, and I miss you. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
