Thursday, December 29, 2011


Lyla had her first emergency type trip to the doctor on Monday..

We were at a family Christmas party, and Erik was swinging Lyla holding her hands .... not roughly at all .. but suddenly she started crying and I was holding her and she kept going 'ouchie!' but then I gave her kisses and she said 'all ba' (all better) and was alright, but then we noticed every time she moved her arm she winced and cried, although she was still in a pretty cheerful mood aside from moving her arm....

So we took off to the after hours walk in clinic where we waited FOOORREVER. Lyla was in a decent mood. There were some other kids there that were entertaining her, but sometimes she would forget about her sore arm and try to wave with it, and then it was more 'ouchies.'

We finally hear Lyla's name called and we proceed to a room... the site of nurses was more upsetting to Lyla than her hurt arm but once they left (which they did, for a long time) we played and had fun in the doctor's room. Finally someone came in and told us that Lyla would need X-Rays on her arm.... more waiting. So then the x-rays. Not a fun experience for anyone. Lyla was crying and screaming, tears running down her face, snot bubbling out of her nose while we tried to hold her arm in various positions. I think she had to get 3 pictures, and at the end I told Lyla she was all done and she was still crying and started desperately yelling 'all done' through her tears... It was the saddest thing ever.

Then the nurse gave her 2 Dora stickers... :D!

So the dr came in and said they didn't see anything on the xrays and Lyla was moving her arm again. But she probably had a Nursemaid's Elbow, where the radial head gets dislocated or something, and then when we stretched it for the x-rays, it slipped back into place.

WHEW. long day. I think we were there about 2.75 hrs.

Anyway. As far as a first 'injury' is concerned, I think we had it pretty good! no blood, cast, sling, surgery.... I know Erik feels so, so, sooo bad about it. He probably wouldn't want me writing about in my blog...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

new blog name

Wow 2 blog posts in 1 week! Who am I?!?

Well truth is, Erik is now working full time and he has to get up at like 5 so he goes to bed super early.. meaning, no late night Call of Duty playing.. hahaha

Honestly it has helped a lot with my productivity (obviously) though it's boring be awake by myself, and I have been going to bed before midnight :O! Again... who am I?!?!

So I hope to start keeping everyone updated on Lyla's Happenings.

BUT I have been contemplating a new blog name, something more general, you know, in case of more children (not pregnant). I tried 'scandinasians' (Lyla, and all our kids, will be of Korean, Swedish and Norwegian descent) but it was already taken by some drunk Koreans studying abroad in Sweden or something really lame like that. Psh!!!!!!!! I hate that once a blog name is used, it is dead to the rest of the world, even if the person who had it originally deletes their blog! How does that make any sense?!?!?!??! It doesn't! I want Scandinasians.

weescandinasians.... pretty long. we'll see..

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Wow, this is a much needed update!!!!!

We have been busy lately chasing around our busy busy toddler.

As far as milestones go... now it feels more like, what ISN'T she doing?! She is walking, running, dancing, singing (laaaa lalaa, dododododo), talking, hugging, kissing, crying, stomping, eating, sleeping, throwing, twirling.... the list goes on!

The list of words she can say feels like it grows every day! Most recently, she started saying "nigh nigh" before bed, and amazingly this has improved bedtime protests A LOT! I lay her down, say "night night lyla!" and she says "nigh nigh" and.... silence! no fuss! So parents, make sure you teach your tots to say "NIGHT NIGHT" asap ;) Also helpful for naps! (Now watch, tomorrow will be tantrum city before nap/bed!)

I sometimes forget how quickly she can pick up on words now.. in the car the other day, I said "crap!" and then heard a little "crap!" coming from the backseat.. Luckily I haven't heard that one since hahah.

I see Lyla growing up in so many other ways... she loves to laugh and is always cracking herself up! She remembers and talks about people she knows.. mostly mormor and baba (could be grandpa or grandma), but a lot of other relatives, too. She spends half the morning in the closet browsing her clothes. Then she brings me something and says "on" but as soon as I try to help her with it, she gets upset. She wants to do it all on her own.. unfortunately she doesn't know how to dress herself yet..... I don't know, I could go on forever! This is such a fun age, although we are starting to see some tantrums when something isn't exactly right or when TV time is over... terrible twos on its way?? Yesterday she got mad at me because I wanted to roll her sleeves up before we washed hands! Like sitting on the floor, crying mad! yikes!! This is a whole new realm of parenting.....