This is such a fun age! Lyla is such a sweet little girl, so much fun, so loving!
This past month she has started playing a lot more 'pretend' games. Today she sad her stuffed bear and stuffed dog next to each other and said 'sit' (unfortunately her 'S' is pronounced 'Sh' hahah) and then she got her little stir fry toy and started feeding her stuffed animals! She held the spoon up to their mouths and said 'num num num num.... Good!"
Another game she likes is pretending an unopened ketchup bottle is soap or shampoo. She puts her hand up to the top like she's getting soap and then 'washes' her hands and hair!
She also finally figured out how to get off the couch on her own, thank goodness. Now I don't have to worry about her nose diving off the couch!
Lyla has also started being really 'helpful.' She loves to throw garbage away. Putting clothes in the washer is apparently a really fun game. And she tries to help me sweep! It's so cute!
It still amazes me how much she can understand now. And how much she can say! A lot of her words aren't pronounced perfectly but we know what's she saying. It's all about context! Boo could be blue or spoon! Car could be car or crawl or guitar!
Yesterday after her nap, I heard her saying "Mama! Mama!" So I went in and she said "There she is!" Probably pronounced more like "they-she-ih." I started cracking up.. she is simply the best!