Friday, April 22, 2011

Nursery Tour

I mentioned this on my other blog, but I'm in the process of renovating Lyla's room. It's got a lot of stuff in it but the problem is the walls. They are very high and wide. So any decoration I put up looks wimpy on giant walls.

Here's the newest addition to Lyla's room... my old bookshelf from when I was little!

Decorated with some stuffed animals, a frame from our engagement session (taken in October), and a necklace stand that Erik made. Actually, he made most of the necklaces on the tree, too. They're mostly mine, but Lyla has a couple of bracelets on there. I'm hoping Erik can make another one for me, too! =)

The two chairs in Lyla's room. The first is big and takes up a lot of space.. and it's kind of ugly and must be moved, but it is extremely comfy for breastfeeding, which is why we've kept it around. My grandma didn't want it anymore so she unloaded it on us. Funny how when you get a new place people think they can just give you their old crap that they don't want and you'll just take it because you've got nothing else! (oh wait, that's kind of true) Anyway. This rocking chair was a gift from one of my mom's co-workers and I love it! I've spent many a night rocking Lyla to sleep in this chair. The quilt on the chair was made by my mom! She is such a talented lady!

In this corner we have a dresser.. very old. It was mine and before that, it was my dad's! The koala lamp was painted for me by my mom before I was born, and I've had it ever since. Erik thinks it looks evil, and we always joke that if toys really came to life like in Toy Story, the koala would be the evil overlord of the room.

Crib. Look at all that wall space! I'm looking at wall decals on Etsy to take over that space!

Changing table. Again. Lots of empty wall. And the cuteness of Lyla in one of my favorite of her outfits!

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