Sunday, May 22, 2011

Camera Difficulty

For some reason, I can't get my camera to connect to my computer, which is a real shame, because I have lots of cute pictures of Lyla to upload! ARGH! Plus, my ex-roomie and I are going to start doing 365 projects together starting this first week of June! I did one last year but failed miserably, so I want to try again. I will document our first year of marriage and she will be documenting her year abroad working on a farm with her husband in New Zealand! AH! Her pictures might be slightly cooler than mine... no big deal. ;)

We are getting married in ONE week!! Things are starting to come together. I've been checking the 10-day weather report very frequently, but it seems to change every time I check it, so I guess I will just have to wait until the day of and look out the window! Now it says 10% chance of rain, a couple hours ago it said 60%. I think someone just likes to mess with people who want to try and see what the weather is going to be too far in advance....

Last night, Erik went to a bachelor party.. Not his, it was for his sister's fiance... Erik's future brother in law, I guess mine too! So Lyla and I had girls' night... Actually I was hoping she would go to bed at her normal time of 10:30 but for some reason she took a late nap and stayed up until 12:30. That's okay though, we did lots of snuggling, she was being so sweet! And then she was doing this thing where she held one of my hands in each of hers and was clapping my hands, bringing them together and apart... she was CRACKING UP, and so was I! It was really funny.

By the way, I picked up my dress yesterday! It was actually quite a stressful and rushed excursion, but we made it about 10 minutes before the place closed... Lyla was there because her dress was too big for her last week... and she took a giant poop that exploded all over her clothes. And of course, the one time we didn't have extra clothes.... we had left in such a rush that we just shoved some toys in her diaper bag! Anyway, she didn't actually end up needing anything done to her dress.. it's amazing how fast babies grow. My dress fits perfect now, too! When I first brought it in it was SO big, especially in the top, as Lyla was only about a month old when I bought it... but they did an amazing job!!!!! AHH!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!

So this morning, I woke up at 7:30 and saw that the monitor wasn't on!!!! Which is so weird, because I checked to make sure it was on a million times before bed and checked the volume a bunch and sat and listened to Lyla.. I get kind of paranoid when I am sleeping by myself... I hate it!!! And it was plugged in. So i don't know what happened, but I hope Lyla was okay last night! Our place is so small that I probably would have heard her if she was crying.. at least that's what I'd like to think! I hope she didn't wake up and cry for a long time! She was sleeping peacefully this morning.. blahhh!!!!!!! Anyway, she is STILL sleeping, but I guess she did go to bed late last night.. I wish I could've fallen back to sleep, too, this would have been a perfect morning to catch up on some sleep!

This week will be hectic, but I will try to post some, and I'll try to get my stupid camera to hook up to my computer!! I'm so frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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